
Learning Solutions

As a full-service learning solutions company, we are passionate about delivering customized online and blended learning solutions, in co-creation with our partners in Life Sciences and Healthcare.

Elevate stories: Developing an online course with Elevate

Maroeska Rovers, Professor of Medical Technology and Innovation Radboudumc, created an e-learning together with Elevate for her project. Have a look what she says about the co-creation.

Our solutions

Our partners and clients

“The partnership with Elevate has allowed NFU to develop eBROK, an online training program for all our clinical researchers. It enables researchers to perform excellent clinical research with impact on health, health care and ultimately society in The Netherlands. As a full-service provider, Elevate designs, builds, implements and moderates the courses.”  

Melanie Schmidt
Deputy Director, Nederlandse Federatie van Universitair Medische Centra (NFU)


The cases show a selection of the learning solutions we co-created with our partners in Life Sciences and Healthcare.

Download this whitepaper about how to increase the chance of scoring grants through a sustainable transfer of knowledge.

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