17 July, 2023

Blended care-program ‘Managing Fatigue’

After the success of previous collaborations with various researchers from the ALS Centre and the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Elevate is once again working on an e-learning project. Elevate will develop in co-creation with the Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation Medicine (UMCU) an blended care-program. This program will consists of an e-learning combined with working groups.

The Centre of Excellence for Rehabilitation Medicine (UMCU) is working on a new blended care program ‘Managing Fatigue’, in which regular treatments with the therapist or doctor are combined with online modules that rehabilitators can go through independently. The wish is that the online modules enable them to absorb general information, at their own pace, in a place and at a time that suits them. In addition, working groups are organized which provide the opportunity to ask questions to experts and contact with peers. Such a set-up is efficient, because during the regular treatments there is more room to respond to individual requests for help.

Involved researchers in this project are Dr. Anita Beelen (Senior researcher Neuromuscular diseases at UMC Utrecht) and Dr. Eline Scholten (Postdoctoral researcher at the Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine Utrecht).

Please continue to follow us on this project – the first e-learning module is expected to be completed by November 2023.

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