05 september, 2018

Tender eBROK assigned to Elevate

We are proud that the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centers (NFU) has selected Elevate by means of a public tender to redevelop the online version of the eBROK®. During the next few months we will develop and implement the eBROK® which will by then carry a typical Elevate signature. Commencing February 1st 2019, Elevate will maintain and host the course for a period of at least 4 years.

In 2006 the Basic course on Regulations and Organization for clinical investigators (BROK) was set up – a joint initiative of the eight university medical centres (UMCs) in the Netherlands. In accordance with national agreements, clinical investigators working for the UMCs are obliged to follow the eBROK® course and obtain the corresponding certificate.

Thousands of investigators are now listed in the BROK® register: professors, PhD students, project leaders, research coordinators and research nurses. Paramedics such as biomedical scientists, psychologists and epidemiologists do the training course as well. The eBROK® training course is also open to staff of institutions which the UMCs collaborate with, and the Association of Top Clinical Teaching Hospitals (STZ) has been represented in the national BROK® committee for several years now as well.

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