
Online course for disseminating research outcomes

An online course to disseminate research results about current techniques, opportunities and challenges for the use of real-world evidence in medicine development

Newly-developed medicines are thoroughly tested before they enter the market. However, there can be a gap between what is known about a new medicine at launch and its real-world effects. IMI GetReal, a project funded by the Innovative Medicine Initiative, aimed to show how new methods of real-world evidence collection and synthesis can be integrated earlier into pharmaceutical research and development, and the health care decision-making process. This case shows how Elevate’s expertise in the use of online learning solutions contributes towards disseminating and sharing research results and knowledge of current techniques, opportunities and challenges regarding the use of real-world evidence in the development of medicines.

The numbers


SPOC editions


Trained professionals





Knowledge transfer: training researchers and health care decision-makers

Launched in October 2013, GetReal was a three-year project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), an EU public-private consortium consisting of pharmaceutical companies, academia, health technology assessment agencies and regulators (e.g. NICE, HAS, EMA and ZIN), patient organizations and SMEs. The consortium aims to improve the efficiency of the medicine development process by better incorporating assessments of relative effectiveness into drug development, thus improving the decision-making process at regulatory authorities and HTA bodies.

One of the deliverables was an online course for researchers, health care decision-makers and societal stakeholders in the public and private sector in order to increase knowledge about various aspects of effectiveness. As the official e-learning supplier, Elevate created this online course, called ‘Real-World Evidence in Medicine Development’.

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