20 May, 2020

Meaningful numbers due to successful collaborations

In these turbulent times, many educational activities have been postponed or delayed, but not eBROK®. Due to Elevate's optimal service, the platform has been available nearly 100% of the time over the past months.

In these turbulent times, many educational activities have been postponed or delayed, but not eBROK®. Due to Elevate’s optimal service, the platform has been available nearly 100% of the time over the past months.

We are happy to see this is being noticed, as we were able to welcome 746 new participants from the beginning of the lockdown in the Netherlands up until today. Of these participants, 390 opted for the full eBROK® course, 252 opted for the so-called continuous registration package and a number of clinical researchers with an expired certificate have also been admitted. Since the launch, we have welcomed close to 2500 registrees!

Together with the University Medical Centers (UMCs) and the EMWO, we have been working hard on the background to secure the continuity of the eBROK® course. Herewith, the UMCs have offered alternatives for their Center Specific Meeting (CSB) and the EMWO has made it possible to take exams through online proctoring  online supervision of the administration of tests or exams  allowing candidates to complete the eBROK® course. Enrollments for the CSBs and exams are offered through the eBROK®-platform as usual.

We are proud of reaching these great results and are looking forward to successfully continue our collaborations with the involved parties.

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